Truth About Earwax Removal
Digging it out with cotton swabs isn’t the solution. What to do instead. If you’re like many people, you might reach for a cotton swab when you feel as though wax has built up in your ears, even if you’ve heard that these little tools aren’t so helpful. When it comes to removing earwax, cotton
Addressing Hearing Loss With or Without Hearing Aids
Every year, many people are diagnosed with hearing loss. However, on average, those who have received such a diagnosis will put off getting hearing aids for as long as seven years. Unfortunately, when individuals with hearing loss simply sweep their condition under the rug, they face consequences such as their hearing worsening and their ability
Why the Balloon Sinuplasty is Your Best Sinusitis Treatment Option
If you have severe sinusitis and aren’t finding relief, then it’s important to know that the balloon sinuplasty can help. The balloon sinuplasty is an effective procedure that was FDA-approved in 2005. It’s considered a very effective way to treat sinusitis at the same time as other front line treatment options. For many patients, it’s
Will Balloon Sinuplasty Work for Me?
Have you been struggling with the feeling of a blocked nose? Or have you noticed that you frequently get sinus infections? This may be do to having a condition called chronic sinusitis. It is hard to live with when you can’t naturally breathe right through your nose. We can help to fix this problem with
Tips on Managing Your Spring Allergies
Spring has sprung! With beautiful sunlight and warmer temperatures, it’s time to enjoy everything nature has to offer. If you experience spring allergies, however, it can be a difficult time of year. Spring allergies are often caused by pollen that is produced by plants and trees. If you breathe this in, it can cause an
Understanding Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can affect anybody and at any age. However, most people either ignore the signs or wait too long to get proper diagnosis and treatment for their hearing loss. The average delay between the onset of hearing loss and treatment is almost 7 years. Here are some statistics about hearing loss and treatment from
A Guide to Hearing Aids
If your audiologist recommends you look at your hearing aid options, it’s natural to have a lot of questions and be concerned about how your lifestyle will change. That’s okay— hearing aids are constantly evolving and have many different options that can fit your needs and goals. Although your audiologist can recommend the best options
Your Nose and Sinus Treatment Options
The nose and sinuses are an important part of your respiratory functions. They can, however, be subject to some uncomfortable conditions. For this reason, it’s important to practice good hygiene and see an ENT specialist if you start experiencing symptoms. At Alabama ENT Specialists, we offer effective treatments for the following nose and sinus conditions.
Sinusitis: Symptoms and Treatments
Sinus infections, also known as sinusitis, are an extremely common health concern for many patients. It’s easy to mistake a head cold for a sinus infection, since some of the symptoms like headache, facial pain, runny nose, and nasal congestion are the same. However, unlike a cold, your sinus infection can be due to bacteria
How To Protect Your Hearing
Unfortunately, science hasn’t yet found a way to restore your natural hearing after it’s been damaged over a lifetime. For this reason, it’s highly important to take steps to protect it. This can come in many different forms, however; just like the number of ways that your hearing can become damaged. Here are some effective