What Is a Balloon Sinuplasty?

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What Is a Balloon Sinuplasty?

A balloon sinuplasty is a minimally-invasive procedure that helps people with chronic sinusitis. It is very effective for individuals who have had recurrent infections of their upper respiratory tract. The procedure involves inserting a thin tube into the nose and then expanding it to clear out the nasal passages, which are often blocked by swollen tissues.

This procedure is often recommended for patients with chronic sinusitis that has not responded to medical treatment or other treatments. Balloon sinuplasty, which is also known as balloon catheter sinus surgery, is safer than traditional sinus surgery because the nose doesn’t have to be opened completely. It can be done in about an hour, using local anesthesia.

Balloon sinuplasty procedure
The balloon sinuplasty is an outpatient procedure that typically lasts about one hour. The surgery itself doesn’t require cutting into tissues or stitches, so it can be done in an operating room using general anesthesia.

A thin tube called the inflatable balloon catheter is inserted into the patient’s nostril, and then it is slowly pushed up through the nasal passage to widen it. Once it reaches its destination at the sinus cavity, the inflatable balloon catheter is expanded to ensure that all swollen areas of tissue are cleared out and unblocked. The balloon is then deflated and removed from the body, and the same tube is used to remove any mucus that has been expelled during the surgery.

Balloon sinuplasty cost
Balloon sinuplasty costs ranges depending on the amount of work done on each patient and the doctor carrying out the surgery. It tends to be somehow cheaper in a clinic or office environment compared to an operating room. Since this is a new type of surgery, insurance companies consider this as a practical exercise.

Recovery and aftercare
Patients are advised to rest for the next 24 hours after the procedure. It is recommendable that they take over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen, to reduce any swelling or discomfort.

They can resume their normal activities in about two days. After about a week, patients will notice an improvement with regards to their breathing.

It can take up to six weeks for all swelling to subside, but the effects of the surgery will be noticeable immediately after it has been done. People are told not to blow their noses or sniff too much for at least six weeks after undergoing balloon sinuplasty, which is normal with this type of procedure.

Risk and complications
A sinus balloon procedure is a safe procedure with very few risks, but some risks still have to be taken into account. People who have an infection or respiratory illness might not be able to undergo this surgery.

Other factors that could reduce the likelihood of successful treatment with the balloon sinuplasty include previous nasal surgeries, allergies, asthma, respiratory infections, or problems with certain coagulation disorders.

Patients who have had previous sinus surgery might not benefit fully from balloon sinuplasty. Since it involves general anesthesia, there are risks associated with the use of this type of anesthesia. This risk is higher in people who suffer from chronic diseases like diabetes and kidney failure or who are suffering from another acute illness or infection. The risks increase if the anesthesia is not done properly.

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