What is Balloon Sinuplasty?
Sinusitis is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including viruses, bacteria, allergies, or even structural abnormalities in the nasal passages. The sinuses are a series of small, air-filled cavities in the skull that are lined with a thin layer of mucus. When the sinuses
The Relationship Between Your Sinuses And Your Teeth
Do you experience pressure headaches that manifest as pain and pounding in your temples and upper facial muscles? Do you find it difficult to sleep – spending your nights tossing and turning to find a comfortable position? Many who deal with these symptoms find that the pain travels from the jaw, into the ear, and
Introducing ClariFix® Cryotherapy: What to Know
If you live with chronic rhinitis, it’s likely that you’ve spent a lot of time sniffling and blowing your nose without much relief. Although you might experience this during a cold or flu, chronic rhinitis can occur on its own and have causes that aren’t easily treatable with medications. At Alabama ENT, we now offer
Chronic Sinusitis Treatment Options
Sinusitis affects most people at some point. It’s common during a cold or flu, but it can also exist on its own. In some cases, it can be chronic. If you’ve been struggling with chronic sinusitis, you know it can be a daily struggle. Here’s what to know about some of your options for treatment
Relief for Chronic Sinusitis
It’s that time of year for allergies, but for some, they are starting earlier and seem to last longer. With bothersome symptoms like nasal drip, runny nose, and sinus pressure, your quality of life can be significantly impacted, especially if your symptoms are chronic. One symptom of allergies is chronic sinusitis, a condition that causes